Committed to our cows

Where our cows spend their time

The temperate valleys of North East Victoria offer superb conditions for natural grazing. The foothills of the mountains, paired with local eucalyptus species, offer ample shade and our cows have permanent access to clean mountain water though reticulated paddock systems.

And how we treat them

Caring for our cows is a top priority for Mountain Milk Co-operative farms. We say this with prideĀ  knowing we have committed to the implementation of a new and comprehensive farm assessment process for monitoring care for animals on our farms.

This framework has been built in cooperation with Holstein Australia and Dairy Australia. It represents Mountain Milk's commitment to the best practice in animal care, covering area such as;

  • Animal Nutrition

  • Animal Health

  • Calf Care

  • Shelter and environmental management

All Mountain Milk farms commit to an annual animal health review so that each farm is continually improving and raising our standards. We will continue to lead the industry in relation to these critical aspects of animal care.

We ask you to join us and share our commitment to our cows by following our progress with bringing Mountain Milk to the Australian dairy market.