Our Directors

As directors of Mountain Milk Co-operative we have a lot in common. In particular we believe strongly in the future of family based dairy farming in our river valleys. We have raised our families within our local communities and are passionate about our role in working with and respecting the natural beauty and abundance of the land. We pride ourselves on constantly adopting the best farming practices to balance land use, animal welfare and milk production in a sustainable way. 


Stuart Crosthwaite

If you think Stuart looks at home in this picture, grinning behind the milking cups, it's because he's a fifth generation farmer on his family property.

With a Bachelor of Agriculture, a Masters of Agribusiness and a Grad-Diploma of Applied Science, as well as an early career in consulting, Stuart is an innovative farmer and has the skills to turn his visions into reality.

He and his wife Sarah, have a deep and passionate interest in the future of dairy, and back this up with major on farm investments. They have grown their farm significantly in the past 13 years.

Stuart has also made a significant leadership contribution to the local industry. In his own words "We love what we do and where we do it. We see Mountain Milk as our vehicle to the future we want to create."

Contact Stuart at stuart@hermitagedairy.com.au

Company Secretary

Alice Holloway

Alice has been living on and around farms her entire life, growing up on a cropping and sheep farm near Wangaratta.

Alice began her dairy farming life with husband Ian in 2013, after years of experience working in the fields of administration, tax consulting, banking and nursing.

With such a wealth of experience, Alice manages their farm with practicality, kindness and organisation; a formidable combination! 

Contact Alice at holloian@bigpond.com

Ian Holloway

Ian is no stranger to living in the foothills of the mountains, having grown up in the Kiewa Valley.

Together with Alice, Ian has been running their farm in the Kiewa Valley, with 1000 milking cows, employing 7-8 full time staff, since 2013. 

After completing trade qualifications and working in different fields, Ian returned to dairying in the Valley in 2000. Through share farming, and since leasing his first farm in 2006, Ian gained the skills and knowledge to operate one of the largest  dairy farms in the region.

Contact Ian at holloian@bigpond.com

Scott McKillop

Scott returned to his family dairy farm in 2010, after years working in animal nutrition and agronomy, on the back of a Bachelor of Agriculture.

He and wife Belinda manage their 360 cows with a steady belief that the natural resources of the region, and its community, make it a sustainable and profitable place to farm. Scott loves working with animals and is keenly interested in animal welfare, and the obvious connections between healthy, happy cows and delicious Mountain Milk! 

Contact Scott at  sandbmckillop@gmail.com

Darren Sagrera

Darren Sagrera and his partner Teresa Hicks are wonderful ambassadors for the next generation of dairy farmers in Australia. They have both completed post- secondary qualifications in dairy farm management and are putting their combined knowledge and energies to great effect, as they build their business in the Kiewa Valley. 

Darren was elected to the Mountain Milk Co-op board in December 2020, and we are delighted to have him on board.

Contact Darren at darrensagrera@gmail.com