Background Information and Our Vision

What has led to the development of the Mountain Milk Co-op?

We understand consumers want to know more about where their milk comes from.

We are dairy farmers leading in the production of sustainable, ethical and premium quality milk. We will show you what this means on farm and share the journey of bringing premium milk to your table.

We decided forming a new farmer owned co-operative was the best way to ensure our vision and values could be expressed, and we could retain control of our connection to you .... the consumer.

Mountain Milk has been created to give you the chance to purchase milk which is dedicated to care for our animals, care for our environment and ensuring our rural communities remain strong and vibrant. We want to build your trust, respect and confidence in the food you eat.

"What milk should you buy?" Mountain Milk.

Looking out across the Alpine Valleys, you can see how well suited they are for Dairy Farming. The rolling green hills and mountain fed waterways create the perfect environment for a sustainable and productive dairy industry. And Australians love their dairy!